Month: August 2014

7 Myths about the Inquisition

A couple of months back I posted an article examining 7 Myths About the Crusades. It seemed to resonate with a lot of folks, so this week I thought I would post a similar article looking at some of the common myths surrounding the Inquisition. — 1 — The term “Inquisition” actually refers to an institution not an event. Actually, more…

Why Ask Why?

I came across the following quote on a friends Facebook page earlier this week. “There is no answer to the question, ‘Why?’ If you need a reason, invent one that empowers you and begin living from there.” I am frankly unsure of whether this is a quote from my friend or from someone else – but it has stuck with me throughout…

Do Catholics Read the Bible Literally?

I’ve frequently encountered a common misapprehension that boils down to the following statement, “Catholics don’t take the bible literally.” On the flip side of the spectrum are the Evangelical Fundamentalists who take everything way too literally. So who’s right? Let’s start by defining our terms. In everyday language the word “literal” typically means,“in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or…

A Rite of Passage

It used to be that nearly every culture and society had some sort of rite of passage. An experience that would mark the transition from adolescence to adulthood. A ritual by which the boy became a man. Unfortunately, these rites of passage have all but disappeared in our Western society, leaving us with predictable results. The period of adolescence never ends…

Why do I Blog?

Or alternately – Why bother? This may seem like a silly question. After all, you have only to go to my home page to read that, “I created this blog as a way to share some of my thoughts on life and faith, and also as a way to share my journey with others.” There you have it, question answered. Except…

The Joy Of Suffering

I currently have two close friends in my life who are struggling with cancer. Even as I write those words, they seem so insufficient. Struggling with cancer. In the same way that I would say to someone that I am struggling with a cold. No, what is actually happening is they are engaged in a fight for their very life.…

Praying To Someone Other Than God

I’m actually writing this particular post specifically at the request of a friend of mine. Like many Protestants, the idea of praying to the saints – or more accurately, to anyone other than God – seems both incredibly bizarre to him and also un-biblical. I can sympathize. After all, I used to feel exactly the same way. In fact, this…