Tag: sexuality

Praying the Gay Away…Or Not

Recently I stumbled upon this video on Facebook and felt compelled to share it with you along with a few of my thoughts. Please take a moment to watch it, it’s under twenty minutes – you’ve got the time 🙂 After you’ve finished watching you can read my thoughts below and then let me know what you think in the comments…

Holiness (not Happiness) is the Goal

Pursuing individual happiness will never make you happy. Personal happiness is often the byproduct of holiness – but it is never the goal. [Tweet This] Before everyone freaks out, let me explain what I mean. The process of becoming holy, or to put it another way, the process of becoming what you were created to be, will often (although not always)…

Homosexual, Heterosexual, or just plain Human?

— 1 — I was listening to the radio show Catholic Answers the other day, and the host Patrick Coffin made the following comment: “The saying, I believe attributed to Oscar Wilde, ‘The love that dare not speak it’s name.’ is now something that can’t really stop talking about itself.  The tsunami of organizations and individuals and websites that are founded…