Month: February 2015

The Art of Becoming a Child

We have all heard about the art of manliness. But what about the art of becoming a child? As a father of three boys I consider it my solemn duty to turn my three children into men. When you hear the word “men” in your head, hear it as if John Wayne or Clint Eastwood were saying it: low, gravelly, hard,…

AFFL #021 Shadow Puppets and Board Games

On this week’s show we talk board games and shadow puppets, and discuss fitness apps for helping you stay in shape. We review the movies American Sniper, Big Hero 6, and Boyhood. We also talk about Lenten disciplines and the difference between disciplines of engagement and disciplines of abstinence. Check out the new logo and let us know what you think!…

Praying the Gay Away…Or Not

Recently I stumbled upon this video on Facebook and felt compelled to share it with you along with a few of my thoughts. Please take a moment to watch it, it’s under twenty minutes – you’ve got the time 🙂 After you’ve finished watching you can read my thoughts below and then let me know what you think in the comments…

AFFL #020 Taking Flight!

Logan takes flight lessons and Missy goes along for the ride. We discuss the Superbowl and Superbowl ads. We review a couple of podcasts and a catch up on a few movies – Monuments Men, Divergent, and The Boxtrolls. Adam shares a couple of new podcasts he is listening to and we also discuss what to do with family members who want nothing…