Month: July 2016

An Integration of Church and State

I don’t often post political pieces. In fact, this may be a first. But as I sit at my desk writing this, I find myself deeply troubled by our current state of affairs. In our nation, the term, separation of Church and state, has been aggressively employed in an effort to remove any influence of religion or faith from the public sphere. We live…

AFFL #039 Alright, Alright, Alright!

We catch up on our life over the last two months, including Logan’s graduation and having his wisdom teeth removed. Seth completes his Rite of Passage in Bend, and we take a spur of the moment trip to Crater Lake. We celebrate Independence Day, Missy’s birthday, Adam’s birthday, and the beauty of Lake Tahoe! Our priest, Father Mike, retires and we get a new priest,…