We finally got our first podcast published! It’s almost 1am, but I think it’s finally up! You can check it out here: AFFL Podcast Episode 1. Hopefully within a few days it will be up and running on iTunes.
My conversion story was also featured at Why I’m Catholic – a website that shares the stories of converts to the Catholic Church. Check it out and leave a comment on their site letting me know what you think! While you’re there, check out some of the other great conversion stories as well!
My son came home from football practice tonight and told me that the father of one of his friends had been talking to an acquaintance who lives in a different part of the state. He was telling him about a story he had just read on the website Why I’m Catholic. He had no idea that he was talking to someone I go to Church with… It really is a small world sometimes 😉
I also got a very encouraging message from a friend of mine who I haven’t talked to in years. As it turns out, he is also wrestling with some of the same logical inconsistencies with the Protestant faith that I had, and wanted to let me know that I wasn’t alone and that I wasn’t the only one who had been wrestling with tough questions. It really made my day!
Several friends from my past who are Catholic also wrote to encourage me and welcome me home – one of them shared some experiences from her life which left me very humbled indeed. I am so grateful for the people in my life that God uses to extend His grace to me!
I was really over my head technically trying to get the podcast finished and posted. It’s late and I’m beat. Usually I’m entirely too verbose. You’re getting off easy this week – enjoy it!
God Bless and Good Night!
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