April 2023 During Holy Week this year my wife and I re-watched one of my favorite movies, the sublime film A Hidden Life, directed by Terrence Malick. The movie tells the true story of Austrian farmer, Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, who faced the threat of imprisonment and execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II. If you…
Author: Deacon Adam N. Crawford, O.P.

Crawford Christmas Newsletter 2019
Whelp, it’s that time of year again! Click on the link below to check out the Crawford Christmas Newsletter for 2019! Enjoy! Crawford Christmas Newsletter 2019

Reflections on the Assumption of Mary
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a dogma of the Catholic Faith; a necessary belief for all those who call themselves Catholic. But in my experience I’ve found that it is often one of the most misunderstood dogmas of the faith, not only for non-Catholics, but also for Catholic Christians themselves. What is the Dogma of the Assumption?…

AFFL #048 And Bears… Oh My!
This episode, we head into the woods for a camping trip with friends and encounter bears… oh my! We laugh ourselves silly at a Tim Hawkins show, talk about our family vacation at the coast, and review Ant Man and the Wasp, Christopher Robin, and a surprise board game. We discuss the current sex abuse scandal in the Church and…

AFFL #047 Done Properly…
Done properly, parenting is a heroic act… Welcome to AFFL #047! We catch up on our life, and talk about some of the big summer movies including Avengers Infinity War and The Incredibles 2 and get into Chris Pratt’s acceptance speech for the MTV Generation Award. We talk about beginning formation for the diaconate and ask, “What does a deacon…

AFFL #046 Wrapping Up 2017 With A Wedding
Join us for AFFL #046 Wrapping up 2017 With A Wedding! We catch up on the big events (like our son’s wedding!) and also reminisce about trips to Bend, Oregon and Milwaukee, a Murder Mystery dinner, a Burns Night Supper, helping the kids move (3 times in 3 months!) and spending time with family from the East Coast. We talk…

Crawford Christmas Newsletter 2017
Here’s our Crawford Christmas Newsletter for 2017. Click the link below to check it out. Enjoy! Crawford Christmas Newsletter 2017 Also check out our latest podcasts!

AFFL #045 Coasting
Coasting? We catch the eclipse, and meet up at the Oregon Coast in Pacific City for a week with the rest of the Crawford Family. We visit some lighthouses, catch some crabs, and paint with Bob? Logan experiences “real life” while we’re away on vacation, and we discuss some books we are currently reading along with the potential advantages of…

Reading Within Tradition
Definitive Interpretations? Years ago, when studying various interpretations related to St. John’s Revelation, I came across the following quote on the website of the Orthodox Church in America: “The Orthodox Church does not accept the notion that everyone can properly interpret the Bible as he or she wants. Some Protestant bodies believe in this, but Orthodoxy does not. We say…

AFFL #044 Playin’ With Cats
Playin’ with cats and enjoying the Summer. We introduce you to our new kitty, go to a Brad Paisley concert, catch up on CEU’s, and hang out at Lake Tahoe. We review Spider Man Homecoming, The Mummy, Baby Driver, Inside Llewyn Davis, and Under the Shadow. “There is a temptation which perennially besets every spiritual journey and pastoral work: that…