Hello…It’s been a few days. We catch up on the last six months, and bring you reviews of the new Wonder Woman movie, the Nintendo Switch, and the Legend of Zelda. We also discuss the surprising conversion of the Bible Answer Man, offer a surprising product endorsement, and talk about new ministry directions for us. Links to topics discussed…
Author: Deacon Adam N. Crawford, O.P.

When Religion IS a Relationship
What if religion is a relationship? To make the claim, that Christianity is a religion – and not just a relationship with Christ, is very countercultural in today’s world. Subversive even. Everywhere we look we are confronted with slogans which assert that, “Christianity isn’t a religion – it’s a relationship with God.” We are told that, “Religion kills, but Jesus saves.” And…

Silence: A Movie Review
Silence is a faith-based film for those (like me) who can’t stand faith-based films. It is not, however, an easy movie to watch. It is a film which was made not to entertain an audience but rather, as all good art should, to provoke an emotional response. Perhaps even to, (and dare I say it of a faith-based film?) cause the audience to…

AFFL #042 The Christmas Show
Welcome to the Christmas Show! Tune in for a very special announcement!! We catch up on Thanksgiving, home projects, our anniversary, and the election. We review Dr. Strange, The Arrival, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Pete’s Dragon, and Kubo and the Two Strings. We review the Echo Dot, Hue motion sensor, and Star Shower (As Seen On TV!).…

AFFL #041 Easing Into Fall
We ease into fall by spending Labor Day weekend with the family at Raging Waters and heading to the fair. Adam goes to Nashville, and the youth group heads to Six Flag’s Discovery Kingdom for On Fire. We talk about Mother Teresa’s canonization, what makes someone a saint, and praying the divine office. We review Hell or High Water, The Magnificent Seven,…

Delving Deep In History Brought Me Home
The Coming Home Network International recently published an abbreviated version of my conversion story in their monthly newsletter and online at their website. I decided to reproduce the article in it’s entirety here along with a PDF of the full newsletter at the bottom of the article. Enjoy! Delving Deep In History Brought Me Home We’ve all heard the maxim, “Your starting point always…

Can Miracles Be (Dis)Proven?
Catholic Canonizations With Mother Teresa’s recent canonization and elevation to Saint Teresa of Calcutta, I’ve had quite a few friends and family members asking me how exactly the Catholic Church goes about making someone a saint. In answering that question, there are a couple of important distinctions which must be made. The first distinction that we should make is that the Catholic Church…

AFFL #040 World Youth Day
Our most jam packed episode yet! We experience the beauty of Yosemite and Missy and Ethan head to Kraków Poland for World Youth Day! We get political with the American Solidarity Party and prepare to cut the cord. We give you our reviews of Star Trek Beyond, Ghost Busters, Suicide Squad, and the current Poké craze. We also review the Hulu…

An Integration of Church and State
I don’t often post political pieces. In fact, this may be a first. But as I sit at my desk writing this, I find myself deeply troubled by our current state of affairs. In our nation, the term, separation of Church and state, has been aggressively employed in an effort to remove any influence of religion or faith from the public sphere. We live…

AFFL #039 Alright, Alright, Alright!
We catch up on our life over the last two months, including Logan’s graduation and having his wisdom teeth removed. Seth completes his Rite of Passage in Bend, and we take a spur of the moment trip to Crater Lake. We celebrate Independence Day, Missy’s birthday, Adam’s birthday, and the beauty of Lake Tahoe! Our priest, Father Mike, retires and we get a new priest,…