This oft repeated idiom correctly points out that you are most likely to get the truth – or at least a more accurate version of the event in question – if your information comes from a direct source. In the arena of racetracks, jockeys, and large wagers, it doesn’t get much more direct than the horse himself! In the province of Protestant…
Category: Blog Posts
My Catholic Conversion Video Interview
A couple of months back David Gray interviewed me for his My Catholic Conversion segment on the YouTube channel My Catholic Tube. Below I’ve put direct links to his channels so that you can check out some of the other great videos he’s put up there. Just as an FYI, the audio starts a little garbled due to some technical difficulties, but…
The True Church
A friend recommended that I read an article by Sinclair Ferguson titled, “John Calvin on the True Church” – you can click on the title above to read it for yourself if you would like. He also thought that I might have some thoughts regarding the article, and surprise, surprise, I do! To set the stage for you, the article essentially asks the…
An Intimate Union
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.1 The Profound Mystery of Christ’s Union with His Church Of all that Saint Paul ever wrote, this passage has to be one of…
Built Upon The Rock
I remember being quite taken aback when I first encountered the claim made by the Catholic Church stating that, “The Church is catholic: she proclaims the fullness of the faith. She bears in herself and administers the totality of the means of salvation.”1 What arrogance! How condescending to other Christians! The fullness of the faith?! The totality of the means…
Crawford Christmas Newsletter 2015
Well, we are running a bit late on the Christmas newsletter, but better late than never 🙂 Since we don’t have everyone’s email, I figured it would be easiest to just post this to the blog and let everyone view it that way; it also saves on paper, ink, and postage! Enjoy a look back at our last year as we begin…
We Are Prodigals All
Recently, one of our close friends lost his father. This last Saturday we attended the funeral. Prior to his death, his dad had selected which readings he would like to have read at his funeral. Inexplicably, the gospel reading that he chose was the parable of the prodigal son found in Saint Luke’s Gospel. — 1 — This man had…
What is Heresy?!
her·e·sy /ˈherəsē/ Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine. Okay…so what is orthodox? or·tho·dox /ˈôrTHəˌdäks/ Conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved. — 1 — Questions of orthodoxy and heresy began to really occupy my mind several years back as I was beginning to investigate the claims of the Catholic Church. Essentially, I began…
I Stand With Luther
Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation, or perhaps more aptly, the father of the Protestant Revolt 🙂 As someone who has quit my own personal protest and has indeed come into full communion with the Catholic Church; it may be surprising to hear that there are actually areas of commonality where I would wholeheartedly agree with Martin Luther. Those…
When Tolerance Simply Isn’t Enough
In the wake of the Supreme Court decision regarding same sex marriage, I had an interesting dialogue with a friend on Facebook the other day. The fact that she was on one side of the issue and I was on the other wasn’t a problem for me, but as our conversation progressed it quickly became clear that this was an issue…