Often my Protestant friends will allege that when Christ declares, “I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.”1 – that He wasn’t really referring to Peter. They will talk at length about the difference between petra and petros in the Greek, and declare…
Category: Blog Posts
The Great Uncertainty – Problems with Individual Fallibility
Yesterday I listened to a two hour debate between Catholic author and apologist Devin Rose, and Nathaniel Taylor a graduate of Biola University, Westminster Theological Seminary, and a current philosophy student at Talbot School of Theology. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their debate; hopefully Devin and Nate will excuse me for weighing in with a couple of my own thoughts 🙂…
“Feel Good” Religion
Within each of us is a longing to know and experience God. A longing which if unrequited can often paradoxically push people farther away from the very thing which they desire, namely a relationship with God Himself. Many atheists and agnostics began their journeys as earnest seekers of divine truth, only to find themselves stranded on the rocky shores of unbelief…
The Lamb’s Supper Is Not A Buffet
When it comes to a buffet, what’s not to like? Self serve, all you can eat; just meandering down the buffet line and picking whatever strikes your fancy. Eat what you like, leave what you don’t, and above all – don’t stop until you’ve gorged yourself! If there’s a dining experience that’s more thoroughly all-American than a good old fashioned all you can eat buffet;…
Abstinence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder…
Last January Pope Francis was quoted as saying, “Some think that—excuse my expression here—that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits…No.” He went on to say that, “God gives you methods to be responsible.” Breeding Like Rabbits Wait – what?! Isn’t the Catholic Church against contraception of any kind? Did his remarks signal a sudden change…
A Smattering of Fascinating Facts…
At the very bottom of the front page of my blog you will find a couple of short paragraphs explaining why I began blogging along with a micro-snippet on my conversion to Catholicism and a quote from quite simply the best author of the 20th century, G.K. Chesterton. Next to it is my gravatar profile with some additional personal information. While…
On Christ Alone – The Parable of the Vine and Branches
Two of the five solae (only’s) resulting from the Protestant Reformation are that of solus Christus or, “Christ alone”, and soli Deo gloria or, “glory to God alone”. These two seem to have been added at some point well after the initial three (the bible alone, faith alone, and grace alone), but we see them commonly included in a list of five solae by…
Implicit Realities in Scripture
There are many implicit realities in both life and the Scriptures. Things that while perhaps not explicitly stated are nevertheless very much true. I would like to briefly touch on several implicit realities found within the holy Scriptures. Let’s begin with one that we can all perhaps agree on. — 1 — The Trinity The doctrine of the trinity is one that…
The Art of Becoming a Child
We have all heard about the art of manliness. But what about the art of becoming a child? As a father of three boys I consider it my solemn duty to turn my three children into men. When you hear the word “men” in your head, hear it as if John Wayne or Clint Eastwood were saying it: low, gravelly, hard,…
Praying the Gay Away…Or Not
Recently I stumbled upon this video on Facebook and felt compelled to share it with you along with a few of my thoughts. Please take a moment to watch it, it’s under twenty minutes – you’ve got the time 🙂 After you’ve finished watching you can read my thoughts below and then let me know what you think in the comments…