Last January Pope Francis was quoted as saying, “Some think that—excuse my expression here—that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits…No.” He went on to say that, “God gives you methods to be responsible.” Breeding Like Rabbits Wait – what?! Isn’t the Catholic Church against contraception of any kind? Did his remarks signal a sudden change…
Tag: contraception

Inconceivable! The Ongoing Dissolution of the Christian Faith
Only 500 years ago it would have been absolutely inconceivable to think of any individual Christian simply going out and creating their own church. Christ had already founded a Church on, and through, His apostles. This Church was called by His name – Christian – and it was known as the Church Catholic, i.e. the Christian Church universal. A church created by someone else 1,500 years…

Homosexual, Heterosexual, or just plain Human?
— 1 — I was listening to the radio show Catholic Answers the other day, and the host Patrick Coffin made the following comment: “The saying, I believe attributed to Oscar Wilde, ‘The love that dare not speak it’s name.’ is now something that can’t really stop talking about itself. The tsunami of organizations and individuals and websites that are founded…

Getting Fixed ~ A Reversal of Conviction
Frozen Peas Last Friday I went through a three and a half hour operation called a vasovasostamy to reverse my vasectomy. Not surprisingly, I have had several friends ask me what my reasons were for the reversal. Their reasons for asking were very straight forward. First of all, I’m old – almost forty-one. We already have three beautiful boys, who are…