This oft repeated idiom correctly points out that you are most likely to get the truth – or at least a more accurate version of the event in question – if your information comes from a direct source. In the arena of racetracks, jockeys, and large wagers, it doesn’t get much more direct than the horse himself! In the province of Protestant…
Tag: Eucharist

An Intimate Union
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.1 The Profound Mystery of Christ’s Union with His Church Of all that Saint Paul ever wrote, this passage has to be one of…

I Stand With Luther
Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation, or perhaps more aptly, the father of the Protestant Revolt 🙂 As someone who has quit my own personal protest and has indeed come into full communion with the Catholic Church; it may be surprising to hear that there are actually areas of commonality where I would wholeheartedly agree with Martin Luther. Those…

Inconceivable! The Ongoing Dissolution of the Christian Faith
Only 500 years ago it would have been absolutely inconceivable to think of any individual Christian simply going out and creating their own church. Christ had already founded a Church on, and through, His apostles. This Church was called by His name – Christian – and it was known as the Church Catholic, i.e. the Christian Church universal. A church created by someone else 1,500 years…

A Eucharistic Thanksgiving
Many people are unaware of the fact that the word Eucharist means Thanksgiving. Based on the ecclesiastical Greek eukharistia ‘thanksgiving,’ and coming from the Greek eukharistos ‘grateful,’ it is a combination of eu “well” and, kharizesthai “offer graciously.” Fundamentally then, to celebrate the Eucharist is to give thanks. Which is why it seemed so appropriate for us to begin our Thanksgiving celebration…

Confessions I was driving home after working out of town the other day and I decided to swing by a Church in Sacramento to make a confession. The priest was very good, kind and insightful, and I left feeling renewed and ready to get home and see my family. The only problem was, I still had over an hour left to drive…

Altar Calls and other Protestant Traditions
Ah, the ubiquitous Evangelical altar call… Preachers from D.L. Moody to Billy Graham have made wide use of the altar call in their ministries, to such a degree, that they have become all but universal in the Evangelical Christian world. Like many, I grew up hearing frequent altar calls at the end of church services in which non-believers were urged to, “Come forward…