her·e·sy /ˈherəsē/ Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine. Okay…so what is orthodox? or·tho·dox /ˈôrTHəˌdäks/ Conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved. — 1 — Questions of orthodoxy and heresy began to really occupy my mind several years back as I was beginning to investigate the claims of the Catholic Church. Essentially, I began…
Tag: heresy

7 Myths about the Inquisition
A couple of months back I posted an article examining 7 Myths About the Crusades. It seemed to resonate with a lot of folks, so this week I thought I would post a similar article looking at some of the common myths surrounding the Inquisition. — 1 — The term “Inquisition” actually refers to an institution not an event. Actually, more…

Sola Scriptura – Logically Flawed
In a previous post I covered reasons why the doctrine of sola Scriptura was anachronistic – i.e. a belief that couldn’t fit within a chronological history of the Church prior to the time of the Reformation. In this post, I would like to look briefly at why I also feel that the doctrine is logically flawed. There are many orthodox Christian doctrines…

Why I’m Catholic ~ Catholicism and the Reformation
Part 2: Catholicism and the Reformation (This is part two of a three part series. For part one click here.) Before moving on I should probably note that I’ve always been fairly anti-Catholic. As I said before, growing up I was raised in a context that was dubious about whether or not Catholics were even saved and I was even exposed…

Why I’m Catholic ~ Context
Your Starting Point Doesn’t Always Determine Your Conclusion… Part 1: Context A pastor friend who had heard of my conversion to Catholicism cautioned me that, “Your starting point always determines your conclusion.” Often this is a maxim that I would wholeheartedly agree with. I too have recognized that frequently a faulty conclusion is indeed the result of an erroneous starting point. This certainly seems to…

That Damnable Catholic “And”…
Growing up as a Protestant, I remember being frustrated when I encountered theological arguments that would look at two “diametrically opposed” positions in Scripture, and would essentially seek to pit one side of the issue against the other. A perfect example of this is the argument over divine election and predestination versus human free will and choice. I remember returning to…

A Devolving Faith ~ The Bare Essentials of Christianity
I came across an interesting quote the other day while on Facebook. It had been posted by a friend of mine who is a very dedicated Christian and very active in ministry at the non-denominational church that he attends. The quote was from Ben Franklin and simply read, “Here is my Creed: I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe.…