— 1 — It is an odd thing to find yourself within a society as schizophrenic as ours. A society which worships at the altar of science while simultaneously denying the existence of absolute truth. A society with an intense craving for “spirituality” and yet one that dismisses out of hand anything that cannot be materially proven. Truth claims – especially…
Tag: objective

Why Ask Why?
I came across the following quote on a friends Facebook page earlier this week. “There is no answer to the question, ‘Why?’ If you need a reason, invent one that empowers you and begin living from there.” I am frankly unsure of whether this is a quote from my friend or from someone else – but it has stuck with me throughout…

Ayn Rand, C.S. Lewis, and Objectivism
So, I’ve been reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and have almost finished the book. It’s long. And wordy. And philosophically dense. And, I find that I have some pretty conflicting opinions about her philosophy. Ayn Rand (born Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum February 2, 1905 – March 6, 1982) was born and educated in Russia, and moved to the United States…