Join us for AFFL #046 Wrapping up 2017 With A Wedding! We catch up on the big events (like our son’s wedding!) and also reminisce about trips to Bend, Oregon and Milwaukee, a Murder Mystery dinner, a Burns Night Supper, helping the kids move (3 times in 3 months!) and spending time with family from the East Coast. We talk…
Tag: Pray

When You Give, When You Pray, When You Fast
It is perhaps interesting to note that Christ never commands his disciples to read the Scriptures daily. Living in a culture which was largely illiterate and lacked the technology to produce books, it probably wouldn’t have done much good anyway 🙂 The vast majority of the people received the Word of God by hearing – not by reading. “But how…

Praying To Someone Other Than God
I’m actually writing this particular post specifically at the request of a friend of mine. Like many Protestants, the idea of praying to the saints – or more accurately, to anyone other than God – seems both incredibly bizarre to him and also un-biblical. I can sympathize. After all, I used to feel exactly the same way. In fact, this…