Part one of our interview with Christine on end of life issues and suffering. A shooting rampage and school lockdown, homecoming dance, a trip to Reno, a movie review for Fury and your feedback! Subscribe to the show at iTunes, or Stitcher, and let us know what you think by giving us a rating and review! Share us with your friends on…
Tag: suffering

Purgatory ~ Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell …
Between Heaven and Hell Purgatory. Of all the many misunderstood doctrines of the Catholic Church, Purgatory may be one of the most lampooned by non-Catholics and most misunderstood by Catholics themselves. Last week, my wife and I published our first ever podcast. On the show we discussed C.S. Lewis’ book The Great Divorce and the concepts of Purgatory found within it. In this…

Why Ask Why?
I came across the following quote on a friends Facebook page earlier this week. “There is no answer to the question, ‘Why?’ If you need a reason, invent one that empowers you and begin living from there.” I am frankly unsure of whether this is a quote from my friend or from someone else – but it has stuck with me throughout…

The Joy Of Suffering
I currently have two close friends in my life who are struggling with cancer. Even as I write those words, they seem so insufficient. Struggling with cancer. In the same way that I would say to someone that I am struggling with a cold. No, what is actually happening is they are engaged in a fight for their very life.…